Marc Thompson

Marc Thompson is a creative activist, health promotion specialist and podcaster.

He has been at the forefront of HIV activism and education since his own diagnosis 1986 and has founded and developed a range of movements, groups and interventions for Black, queer and HIV communities over the past 30 years.Most recently Marc has curated the digital archive and podcast series ‘Black and Gay, Back in the Day’ documenting Black LGBT life in Britain since the 1970s, launched his podcast series We Were Always Here, telling the story of the UK HIV epidemic through unheard voices, and featured award winning documentary Freddie Mercury: The Final Act.

In June 2022 Marc launched Beau, a new lifestyle magazine produced by and for gay men living with HIV in London. Marc is currently the co-director of The Love Tank, a not-for-profit organisation that promotes the health and wellbeing of under-served communities through campaigning, education, advocacy and research.